We are BVJ Group
We are a Swedish investment company that invests in sustainable tech solutions, preferably within construction, HR, or recruitment, that can solve, or improve, one of the 17 Global Challenges.

Investment philosophy
We always look to invest long-term in projects with a clear vision and business idea that focus on how technology can build long-term sustainability.

Ny milstolpe för BVJ Group – Vi lanserar eleveight!
5 February 2025
Vi är glada att meddela vårt senaste strategiska förvärv och sammanslagning med WOW Meetia AB, som resulterat i skapandet av Eleveight Sweden AB. Det nya

The EHRAB Group broadens its offer through recruitment and matching services outside the construction industry
8 November 2022
The EHRAB Group, Sweden’s largest staffing company for the construction industry, broadens its successful labor market programs for the construction industry to also include other